SFTP Gateway Logo SFTP Gateway Logo Text

Setup and login instructions

The admin interface uses HTTPS so that passwords are not sent in clear text. By default, it uses a self-signed SSL certificate. But this means you will have to bypass some warnings in your browser.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Click here to access your admin interface
  2. You may see a warning message that says Your connection is not private. Click the ADVANCED link at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click the link Proceed to IP Address (unsafe) This will take you to the login screen.
  4. Login with the credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: Default password can be found in /root/default-sftpgateway-password.txt unless otherwise specified

Access the REST API / Command Line Interface (CLI)

SFTP Gateway exposes a REST API, so you can manage your users programmatically. Click here to access the Swagger documentation.


sudo sftpgw.sh help
to learn about the CLI.

Additional steps to make things easier in the future

Changing your SSL certificate

In a production environment, you may want to replace the self-signed SSL certificate with a real one to avoid the warning shown above. This step is optional - traffic is still encrypted with the self-signed certificate. To update the certificate:

  1. Create a DNS record that points to your SFTP Gateway hostname.
  2. Obtain a valid SSL certificate from a third party like VeriSign or GoDaddy.
  3. Upload the private key for your SSL certificate to:
  4. Upload the chain certificate to:
  5. Restart Nginx
    nginx -t && service nginx restart

Redirecting from this welcome page

If you don't need the instructions on this welcome page anymore, you can redirect this page to the admin interface:

  1. Edit the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/website.conf
  2. Locate the following code (around line 10)
    location ~* /(index.html|config/|css/|js/|images/) {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html?$args;
  3. And change it to this:
    location ~* /(index.html|config/|css/|js/|images/) {
        return 301 "https://$host$request_uri";
        #try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html?$args;
  4. Restart Nginx
    nginx -t && service nginx restart